Jones steps-up…BIG TIME!

by | Apr 19, 2021 | Football, News | 0 comments

18 April, 2021 – Mr. Johnny Jones Sr. donates $100,000.00 towards our new weight room.

Read more about Johnny Jones Sr. below…

Over two decades ago, Johnny Jones Sr began a career in the transportation and logistics field that ultimately not only altered his life, but also enabled him to provide opportunity, change, and growth to the lives of others through his business and community involvement.

Prior to his successful career, Johnny had a very humble beginning as a native Chattanoogan. He was the middle child to a single mother who worked multiple jobs to scrape by. His love for the Pioneer community began when he attended East Ridge Middle School. His early years were filled with poverty and an unstable home situation which led to several life changing traumas. These events led him to spend his teen years in the streets of Chattanooga and East Ridge. During this time Johnny worked full time jobs since the age of 14. He did whatever he needed to do to survive. Even in the worst of circumstances; Johnny knew he wanted more. Where many would have taken the easy way out by making excuses for his situation; Johnny turned to ambition and determination to claw his way out of poverty. He served in the United States Army, worked in the construction industry, and had various other manual labor positions prior entering the logistics industry.

Johnny began his career at U.S. Xpress as a dispatcher and worked his way up through the organization to position of Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Upon his departure in 2007, Johnny joined the Hub Group and lead the Business Development Department for three years.  In 2010, Johnny co-founded Lipsey Logistics Worldwide. With the goal of creating a world class freight brokerage company. Within four years Johnny expanded the company by launching Lipsey Trucking.  Lipsey Trucking has been a successful trucking company for over seven years.

With his innate charisma and leadership abilities, Mr. Jones has demonstrated an ability to find value in people from all walks of life. It is this belief in people that has helped him co-found a logistics company with a value in excess of 300 million dollars. Through his vision, hard work and belief in his fellow man, Johnny is not only a self-made man, he has empowered hundreds to develop storied careers of their own.

Johnny is a proud father of three boys, Johnny Jr, Jerrad, & Noah Jones, and grandfather to Scarlett, Eliza, and Johnny III. While his older sons were growing up in the East Ridge community, Johnny became involved with many youth organizations including coaching sports teams through Camp Jordan and at the YCAP boxing club. As his children continued through recreational and school sports, Johnny’s involvement as a coach and mentor grew within many organizations throughout Chattanooga and surrounding areas. Johnny strongly feels community involvement and support is critical to the development of our youth. Johnny is an active supporter to several local charities, including spending time and resources as a boxing mentor at YCAP, creating a job training partnership with YCAP and Lipsey Logistics, and donating time and resources to The Forgotten Child Fund.

Johnny is truly a hero of our community. No words can express the gratitude we at ERHS feel for Mr. Jones’s generous contribution.