The Pioneer Spirit

The East Ridge Alumni & Supporters Association is a non-profit organization working to improve the facilities and resources for future generations in our community.

About ERAA

Founded to “HELP BUILD IT”, when our football stadium crumbled from 50+ years of wear, an alumni group came together. The road has been long and challenging. We have lent our support to get a new stadium, now completed, and raised funds for a field house. Six years of effort and negotiation have gone into realizing our vision for restoring Raymond James Stadium to glory.

We can now announce that a plan is in place to start this next phase in 2021.

Check this site often, as we build it to be an online community of Proud Pioneers. ERAA is a 501c3 organization.


The Pioneer Classic

In 2021, our Pioneer Classic Golf Tournament will return. The Classic is our primary vehicle to raise funds and provide the stimulus needed for major projects.

All-Class Reunions

Usually held on the weekend of our Pioneer Classic Golf Tourney, the All-Class Reunions are a great way to “catch-up” with old friends and meet new ones.

Purchase Tickets Here

In the near future, you will be able to learn of exciting events and purchase admission here.


The most valuable asset needed by the ERAA is YOU! Volunteering and attending meetings infuses new ideas. Your time, talent and your treasure will make a big difference in the lives of future Pioneers

You can donate to help

In the near future, supporters of the East Ridge Alumni Association will be able to donate here securly, online. One-time gifts as well as recurring monthly contributions will go to help secure the enviroment and facilities our upcoming generations deserve.

Latest News

Check our PowderHorn Blog for the latest news and events.